It's been 6 years since my father passed away. Before we used to go to the cemetery every Saturday after he died. But as time flies by, every Saturday becomes once a month. Then, once a month becomes special occassion like All Soul's Day.

Before, we used to visit him on Halloween's Eve of October 31 till November 1 in the afternoon. But because of the throngs of people going to the cemetery, we decided to go today, November 2. Today is really a feast of the souls or All Soul's Day and it is but a fitting tribute to visit our deceased loved-ones. In my case, I was able to visit my dad, lola and lolo.

Change in schedule was also brought about by the rainy season. Our visit was cut short when it started to drizzle.

Upon going home, we were stuck in traffic. The drizzle became outpour of rain. And it is really nice to observe the ripple flowing at the windshield of our vehicle.
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